Living Neville

LIVING NEVILLE Application of his teachings, not just reading his teachings. Case in point: a day like any other day in the life of a student and teacher of Neville. -I had ample time at home to deal with all my coaching clients and do my lesson write ups and teach on the groups I am on – just as…

A Righteous Rant!

I just had a “bleeding heart” victim give a comment on my personal post stating why didn’t I feel sympathy, etc. for the plight of a person I mentioned in my blog. Geejus C. Krist! LOL. During this moment I was seeing clearly a bad habit of mine that I was engaging in YET AGAIN and it feels as though…

Good Morning Lovelies

What do you think I woke up to this morning? Having a coaching client cry about being overwhelmed. Did I soothe her? Hell no!!!! Did I give her affirmations to recite? NO! Did I tell her yes, of course, she’s so over committed…hell hell no! I gave her a dose of Truth! Being overwhelmed, as I stated in my blog…

The Ego’s Final Card In It’s Deck of Destruction

Personal share. I am returning after 35 years away to my personal desired place to live: Sacramento. I am going there to get a feel of where I am going to live specifically this coming September and my lease expires September 2023. During the next year I will be releasing 3 businesses and a whole lot of shit that I…

Silence IS Sometimes Golden

2 years ago I began the healing process of dental restoration. I won’t even list all the pieces of this project. Suffice to say I received my vision and all the necessary funds have been provided, as I “knew” and trusted. Not one bit of interest paid out and it will soon be totally paid off within a matter of…

1st Sedona Arizona Trip July 2022

Sedona, Arizona is a beautiful area that is home to several different energies. These energies can be felt by many people who visit the area, and they can be used for a variety of purposes. Some people use the energy to heal themselves, while others use it to connect with their higher selves. There are also several vortexes located in…