Let Them Go!

Dependency upon another or a situation is death to our empowerment. It is insidious and infects all aspects of our lives. Yes, we do want to be cooperative components in society and that is good. Never ever ever however think that another is the Source of your good. That’s a lie! Yesterday I did the final cutting of the chord…

How Often Do You Remain Silent?

Positive memes are wonderful and sometimes hit the spot. However, how often do you hide behind them? Don’t allow your voice to be muffled. You have something to say. Say it! We want to hear from you personally. The world wants to hear from you personally. I know from personal experience how it felt when I was silent long ago….

The Ego’s Final Card In It’s Deck of Destruction

Personal share. I am returning after 35 years away to my personal desired place to live: Sacramento. I am going there to get a feel of where I am going to live specifically this coming September and my lease expires September 2023. During the next year I will be releasing 3 businesses and a whole lot of shit that I…