Don’t Be a Dumpster!

  Don’t Be A Dumpster Posted by Karen Sinclair on Sunday, August 28, 2022 Transcript of Video: And, uh, thanks a lot for joining me tonight on tonight’s, uh, live at five. The discussion is persistence. One of my favorites when isn’t and, um, so no comments yet. Um, I am getting used to doing this in manifesting mastery. It…

A Righteous Rant!

I just had a “bleeding heart” victim give a comment on my personal post stating why didn’t I feel sympathy, etc. for the plight of a person I mentioned in my blog. Geejus C. Krist! LOL. During this moment I was seeing clearly a bad habit of mine that I was engaging in YET AGAIN and it feels as though…

The Ego’s Final Card In It’s Deck of Destruction

Personal share. I am returning after 35 years away to my personal desired place to live: Sacramento. I am going there to get a feel of where I am going to live specifically this coming September and my lease expires September 2023. During the next year I will be releasing 3 businesses and a whole lot of shit that I…