Good morning
Good Morning
There were many years I spent in deep contemplation and introspection leading to isolation which is death of the soul. Many unfortunately do this all their lives.
Most do this with a part of themselves that is vulnerable. Vulnerability after all is exposure. Exposure can and often does lead to undesirable reactions from others.
I had a rejected root canal extracted last Friday. I’ve been “off” ever since. I realized that this rejected root canal was actually this darkness I was still carrying about giving my all to an empty theater. WOW THAT SMARTS!
Many people have this same issue. You, the reader, probably can relate.
The issue that began my separation from my former SP is embodied in this same issue. I literally put everything on the line and exposed myself. Total vulnerability! And it shocked him, took him to his deep fear and resulted in a 4 day preparation from his ego of a response that any lawyer would have been proud to have written. LOL. Daniel is a Jewish doctor and could have easily been a top notch Jewish attorney.
I “knew” what was coming down the pike so to speak. The moment he called with his prepared response I threw my cell phone across the room literally. I picked it up and he was still going on and on about his justification for not taking the next step in our relationship. I hung up on him. He called back and laughed saying we must have gotten disconnected. I told him, nope, I hung up on you.
He completed reciting his canned speech by putting me in a nice neat box. FFFFF!!! Safe, secure, and guaranteed not to trigger a Real Feeling. FTBS!!!
My whole being, as a person, a friend, a mentor, a lover, an adopted mom, a woman is to be authentic and for me most of the time this means to speak Truth and Be Brazenly Bold. I am authentically real.
This triggers the ego in all I encounter, or it triggers healing. I stand my ground.
Neville Goddard was warned when he wanted to talk about his Mystical experience of being reborn from his skull, that the audience wouldn’t want to hear it. His response: I’ll talk to an empty theater then.
I am being me, being authentic, being brazenly bold and being a threat to your ego. I know that I’m making waves in a multitude of people that are fearful of stepping forward. This is my path and I’m not getting knocked off it again. So deal with it loves. I’m here to stay.
Won’t you join me?