Revision Only Self!

Revision Only Self!

This post is specifically dedicated to Janet Heisler Nevins
We have layers upon layers upon layers of illusions that are blocking the Light within and the Truth of who we are. This is why our manifestations are so delayed because we hold them at bay, and why when they DO manifest they are so f”ing mangled and distorted carrying with them ALL of our consciousness.
Never revise others for what you imagine them to be is simply you pushed out in some way. Either it is a direct reflection or triggers for you because you are hanging on to a bunch of crap that needs to be released. In walk the Narcissists.
Never revise external conditions for others. You imagine those conditions for them to begin with — deal with why you did that! This means facing the guilt and resentment that you hide from.
Raising up others is not sugar coating positive thinking bliss ninny covering up facts about their behavior, nor changing the conditions you see them in — it goes beyond to a Higher Realm. You drop your imaginings – your judgements on yourself seeing guilt projected onto 3D and others (the actors in your script) – and see yourself purified. This automatically changes “them” and their “circumstances” or you see both differently.
This is advanced Neville Goddard teachings. Refer back to this post many times today. GET THIS!!!
Imagination makes your 3D virtual reality! 100% 100% of the time. You do not see “reality”. All you see are illusions. Period! Unless you raise your mind to the level of Unconditional Love and Unconditional Acceptance. But then you realize you REVISE ONLY SELF.