Shame! Abandonment!

Shame! Abandonment!

SHAME!!! ABANDONMENT!!! What the F does this have to do with anything? A whole F’ng lot! It’s the full monte, it is the bottom of the cess pool that we frequent. They are the words that the ego/old man uses to keep you it’s prisoner.
Because you are unworthy you are not loved. Because you are unworthy and are told this or have been told this in order to control you, you do not rise higher than you normally dwell. Every time you do you get knocked down with the fear of abandonment should you rise as high as your desires want you to rise. So you stay low and unnoticed.
I have long ago risen higher and higher and higher. No matter what others say to me or of me I am boldly and brazenly making my mark. Even if no one shows up to watch! Even if I am speaking to an empty auditorium.
I refuse to use the tricks of the major players in the LOA/Neville Goddard et al community. That’s playing to the masses and it’s a tits and ass game. They lack credibility and are simply wanting to monetize themselves at the cost of being real and authentic and speaking their own personal truth in their own words.
I do not want to be famous. I do not want millions of FB or YouTubers following me. My calling is to work with individuals to make certain that they truly get what they are studying. I know the treachery of the ego self. I’m well trained with a keen bullshit sniffer. I am strongly intuitive and, as my former SP Daniel states, Karen is never wrong. This is true. It’s a curse actually.
I’m never wrong because I listen. I listen past the chatter and look past the image people present as an inauthentic representation to throw you off track. I have many years of practice. I am a trained professional.
So, if you are tired of living a lie; if you are fed up with the bullshit that you have in your life; if you want to move beyond being scared and laying low as a way of “living” then contact me via Messenger for one of my many self mastery courses.